Saturday, December 21, 2019

Reflection Project Reflection Paper - 1549 Words

When faced with a challenge, typically I believe there is no mountain that cannot be faced with the power of Christ and a touch of determination. This project was so different. I went into this so motivated and found many struggles along the way. The comfortability of explaining to others around me did not phase me, and I looked forward to a new experience, to a point. I also felt overwhelmed, annoyed and more negative towards the project than motivation, but I knew it would soon be over. I relied on the Bible for scripture and found, â€Å"So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever† (2†¦show more content†¦I spent money with the goal in mind to make it through the day, and found myself justifying certain purchases, like Ramen soup because a whole box could last days. I spent wisely as I consider myself already doing, but to a deeper extent. I chose things that would keep me full instead of things I wanted for pleasure and found that eating healthy was never an option when cutting costs. When I outlined what I was doing to those around me, my family was supportive, friends were mixed in reactions by way of surprise, confusion and one even said she was going to limit her husband to $4.00 a day to see if he could survive. One friend told me she was impressed with my level of commitment, probably because of my lack of showering, it might have been her nice way of putting the fact that I smelled. I felt proud to be committed in front of others but ashamed, and fatigued behind closed doors. I feel exhausted and sometimes find myself in my true life tired of putting up a fake face to those around me. People that I came in contact with did not seem to treat me any differently but I suppose that is due to the fact that I know how to hide struggle well. 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