Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Designing A Control Strategy With Variable Operating...

The objective of the proposed internship can be divided into the following sub-objectives – 1) develop a control strategy with variable operating switching frequency to dynamically control current ripple and reduce system losses, and 2) develop a current control strategy to improve dynamic response for the two level inverter fed PMSM drive; while taking into account the effect of different operating regions and drive design parameters. More specifically the following tasks will be accomplished for each sub-objective: 1) Define the design parameters of the two level inverter for the PMSM 2) Investigate the drive control strategies most suitable for the TM4 system 3) Assessing the constraints on the drive control strategies by the design parameters 4) Studying the theoretical and practical constraints on the control strategy of the drive 5) Assessing how the variation of design variables impacts the characteristics of the control strategies 6) Define and establish appropriate control strategies to meet requirements as demanded by the TM4 7) Validate the proposed control strategies over a wide operating range of the drive, for steady state and transient operation. 8) Representing the strategies in the form a simulation control block, to be made readily available for TM4 to use in their drive and providing a final report. 2.5. Details of internships or subprojects: For each intern or subproject, provide the following mandatory information: a. Name of intern. SubhadeepShow MoreRelatedTimetable Management System Using Java7535 Words   |  31 Pages Problem Solving with C COMP 714 COMP 715 MAS 621 BAM 752 Introduction to Softwares Computer Organization and Architecture Discrete Mathematics Business Communication Total Credits Semester – II S.No. Course Code Course Name 6 COMP  723   Operating  System   7 8 9 10 COMP 724 COMP 725 COMP 726 MAS 661 Data Structures using C++ Information System Analysis and Design Web Technologies 11 BAM 753 Essentials of Management Computer  based  Numerical  and  Statistical   Techniques   Total Credits Read MoreWind Power And The Wind Turbine System6568 Words   |  27 Pagestransmission networks. As the grid penetration and power level of the wind turbines increase steadily, the wind power starts to have significant impacts to the power grid system. 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