Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Employee Engagement and HRM Practices

Question: Discuss about the Employee Engagement HRM Practices and Competitive Advantage. Answer: Evidence-based HRM Evidence-based HRM is a specific application to a broader term, Evidence-based management that proves to be the cornerstone in the subject. The first journal was taken from Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance and titled as Employee engagement, HRM practices and competitive advantage (Albrecht et al., 2015). Evidence-based HRM practice considers as the process that can critically identify and employ HR interventions as well as approaches that have strong basis of empirical support in a way of attaining desired outcomes. In other words, Evidence-Based HRM practice is a way of working whereby the Human Resource practitioner strategically uses the best evidence, values as well as expertise and values for making the decisions that matters to the business organization and their employees. Hence, Evidence-based HR Management means using the existing evidence that are made available within the field of Human Resource Management so that information is conveyed rega rding the Human resource policy, interventions, strategy as well as decision-making process (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The second journal article was taken from Human Resource Management Review and titled as An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic HRM (Marler Fisher, 2013). Evidence-based HRM is important in HR practice as it help in getting more informed as well as effective decision-making process that will enhance the ability for aligning with the human resource practice. This practice works towards attainment of strategic goals of any business organization. HR policy as well as practices is mainly based upon the working rather than the thought of work. This help in improving the credibility for the discipline of human resource practices as well as for practitioners as it requires analytical approach taken from the existing information, analytics, data and statistics (Cavanagh et al., 2017). Explain each source that will support Israel pitch for Mark and French and CERA executive team Israel Tobin (Human Resource Manager at CERA) had to pitch Mark French (Founding Director and CEO at CERA) regarding the human resource planning and work design human resource planning. CERA (Civil Engineering Research Associates) was one of the consulting companies that were established on 2007 that deals in civil construction in Sydney. The first news was taken from Forbes and titled as What should HR Leaders focus on in 2016? that explains the ways that help in getting best strategic HR value function in any business organization. The second news was taken from Human Resources Today and titled as The rise of the People Strategy Platform? At CERA, it has been viewed that they are clear with their setting of vision and strategic choice by the Founding Director (Mark French). It is thereby essential for Israel Tobin for differentiating in the current market by rendering high-contact services orientation and innovativeness in design as well as engineering. It is essential for CERA Executive Team for remaining fairly reactive to development in the external environment. The main problem faced by Israel Tobin was to manage workforce planning that was intimated to Mark French in the presentation. Other issue that is faced by Israel Tobin was coordinating with Executive team. It was then decided by Israel Tobin for managing the workforce by conducting informal canvassing of industry figures as well as own people at CERA prospects in the next five years and more. Israel Tobin presented his viewpoint and actions to Mark French that he needs to meet each of the managers for communicating and informing the drawbacks at CERA. After discussing the matter with Kellie Lincoln, it was impressive to view at her interest towards development of CERA as she was ready with the projected demand figures and understood the need for CERA for moving beyond core metropolitan footprint. She pointed out the need for diversification when they planned for working on smart structures. There was even need for stronger engineering focus for the workplace at CERA as they need adaptive capability for working on specific and unique challenges faced in the rural areas when CERA went down the path for moving outside at Sydney (Guest, 2017). CRAP Test CRAP test is one of the ways for evaluating the source based on the given criteria such as Currency, Reliability, Authority and Purpose or Point of view. This test has been illustrated below for both the news that is listed below separately. This will help in bringing out the causes and effects of the news and linking it with the strategic value function for the CERA Executive Team (Kehoe Wright, 2013). The first news was taken from Forbes and titled as What should HR Leaders focus on in 2016? ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). Currency The above news article is a written source from Forbes and presented on 4th of February 2016. This information is not as recent as it belongs to last year but has the necessary information that will guide Israel Tobin for convincing Mark French for bringing strategic HR value function at CERA ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). Reliability The above news articles information is taken from secondary sources and the news was published by Edward E. Lawler III ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). The information that is cited in this article is not peer-reviewed and part of the information that is available will help Israel Tobin for presenting the developmental plan for CERA. The information provided in the news article is general in nature and balanced at the same time. Authority This news article was written by a single person who has the expertise and provides opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors. Some of the HR goals involve bringing out integrated set of HR policies as well as programs that needs to be developed as far as possible. Human resource planning directly links with the goals of the organization (Marchington, 2015). Purpose or Point of view The intended audience of this particular news article is the business organization who needs to bring change in their workforce planning ("Forbes Welcome", 2017) The second news was taken from Human Resources Today and titled as The rise of the People Strategy Platform? Currency The above news article is recent news that was published on 7th of March 2017 ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). Reliability The news has been gathered by using secondary sources of information and informs the business organization for discussing the future of HR as well as trends in recent times ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). This news provides reliable information that helps Israel Tobin while presenting the data in front of Mark French. Authority This news was published by Visier who discussed the condition in recent business environment that has an unmatched opportunity for HR for creation of value for the business. This majorly ensures the practitioners for getting some idea regarding the work that is based upon historical and current evidence ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). Purpose or Point of view The intended audience was the large companies who hinges on people strategy for discussing the future of Human Resources. Israel Tobin felt the need for environmental engineering capability. He further pointed out that there was need for the people for becoming smarter at the time of performing sophisticated environmental impact assessments that involves broad range of stakeholders (Marler Parry, 2016). Drawing conclusion regarding the nature of information At the end of the study, it is concluded that Israel Tobin was confident that his group was well-positioned for taking the challenges ahead as he was cautious while planning divisions. This division was small, and tight teams where there was no room for mismatches between the demand as well as supply of professional skills. It is recommended for investing time and effort for developing a workforce plan for CERA. After attending several meetings, Israel thought of listing the four stages that will help in viewing at the processing at CERA. The first step was to gather external market data on potential demand based on the scenarios. The next step is running a workshop with the managers as well as their competence so they can fix on translating the demand numbers into staffing functions. The third step is taking an inventory of numbers, skills as well as demographics in current staffing activities. The final step was to analyze the gaps and working out the ways for dealing with the stra tegic HR value at CERA. References Albrecht, S.L., Bakker, A.B., Gruman, J.A., Macey, W.H. Saks, A.M., (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), pp.7-35. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Cavanagh, J., Bartram, T., Meacham, H., Bigby, C., Oakman, J., Fossey, E. (2017). Supporting workers with disabilities: a scoping review of the role of human resource management in contemporary organisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 55(1), 6-43. Forbes Welcome. (2017) Retrieved 11 March 2017, from Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and employee well?being: towards a new analytic framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 22-38. Human Resources Today. (2017) Retrieved 11 March 2017, from Kehoe, R.R. Wright, P.M., (2013). The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors. Journal of management, 39(2), pp.366-391. Marchington, M. (2015). Human resource management (HRM): Too busy looking up to see where it is going longer term?. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 176-187. Marler, J. H., Fisher, S. L. (2013). An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 18-36. Marler, J. H., Parry, E. (2016). Human resource management, strategic involvement and e-HRM technology. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(19), 2233-2253.

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