Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sample Argumentative Essay on Cellphones in Schools

Sample Argumentative Essay on Cellphones in SchoolsThere is a very important issue when it comes to the use of cellphones in schools today and it has everything to do with the privacy of the children. In the past, when cellphones were first introduced to the public, a lot of parents were concerned about the safety of their children because it gave a lot of power to the teachers.Not only that, the use of cellphones by school teachers was limited mainly to the use of the phone to send and receive messages. These messages were often indecipherable to the students because they were delivered through the cellphones. But with the introduction of new cellphones, the telephone manufacturers, including the best known, were able to add features that would allow for better communication among the students.One of the features available on the new smartphones is the Bluetooth technology. This technology allows students to communicate without having to physically touch the phone. Many students are not used to the concept of talking to someone who does not share the same language as them, so using this feature enables them to talk to their friends in different languages without using the keyboard and thus, giving the children a chance to interact with other students without making them feel uncomfortable.The use of cellular phones is limited to text messaging only in most schools today. Text messaging is a special form of electronic mail that allows the sender to attach images, sound, or both. These attachments are stored on the phone and can be sent and received without the recipient ever having to see what was being sent or read the messages that were attached.Some of the newer technologies include text-messaging through instant messenger applications, video and photo sharing through the camera, and Bluetooth connectivity. With the students using these technologies, they have a greater ability to interact with each other.Teachers are still in the position of holding all of the power. They still need to give out assignments and make sure that the students are doing well. If the students want to talk to their friends and the teachers have no way of getting the messages from their friends to the students, the student and teacher would be two different people.If the use of cellphones in schools is going to continue, then parents will need to take control of their children's lives. The use of mobile phones should be limited only to texting, video chatting, and the use of Bluetooth.Students are not very comfortable with their teacher taking away their privacy, especially when their classroom devices are also in the classroom. It is not necessary for all students to be able to use the same types of communication tools and resources as their classmates.

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